At Advanced Roofing Specialists our aim is to provide the highest levels of customer satisfaction whilst keeping our prices affordable and Quality high. By using only the best materials in the safest and most cost effective manner we can guarantee you won't be disappointed.

Advanced Roofing Specialists offering factory, industrial and commercial roofing services throughout Norfolk and Suffolk.
Based in Great Yarmouth we pride ourselves on the fact we are a one stop solution to our clients, seeing through projects from start to finish, without the need to involve main contractors.
With over 15 years experience, we specialise in taking the weight of a roofing project off clients’ shoulders
Professional, qualified operatives – CSCS, SSSTS, Safe Contractor
We’ll keep your business operational
We’ll manage the project’s CDM and Health & Safety requirements
We’ll recommend the route to minimise your costs
Our health and safety policy is second to none
Detailed Risk Assessments
Comprehensive Method Statements
We can be relied on to see you through your whole project, from the erection of steel, to cladding and insulating, and finally installing fans, man safe systems and solar panels. Many customers fears of closure, and in turn loss of business, are put to rest by our thorough works programmes, where we explain which section we will be operating on and when, and providing work at weekends when required so our clients business can continue uninterrupted.
Our services include the refurbishment and maintenance of all types of roofing and cladding systems, single ply (flat roofing), composite panelling and standing seam roofing systems (curved roofing). We also erect safety netting, install man safe systems and solar panels.